mercredi 3 avril 2013
The art in advertising ....
How to show the close relationship that links art and advertising?
The art in advertising How do brands do they use art in their communication?
Which contains the other?

Leonardo Da Vinci Vitruvian Man / Toyota Pub ...

Hokusaî : The wave

Virgin forest at sunset, 1910 / Toyota Pub ...

Manet: The Luncheon on the Grass revisited by a feminist ...

Arcimboldo / Pub Malibu

Vermeer : La laitière / Pub Danone ...

Edward Hopper / Pub Volkswagen ....

Dali: Persistence of Memory / Pub Perrier ...

Alfons Mucha / Pub Dior .....
Pub and art, art and pub, a cross-link
Pub and art, art and pub, a cross-link
Over the last two centuries, a strong link has developed between Art and Advertising.
This cross-sectional relationship starts largely in the late 19th century with a movement called "affichomanie" which promotes the work of artists such as Toulouse-Lautrec among others ... Leonetto Cappiello Posters are collected, they are a market value and become vétitables of art.
In the '20s and '30s, many artists such as Cassandra, Savignac sign of high quality poster.

In the United States, artists such as Norman Rockwell painting show with an impressive precision near photographic themes of American society and venture into the world of advertising.
At this time, it is the artists who advertise, but in the late 50s, this phenomenom is reversed and the consumer society will influence a major artistic movement: Pop Art. This is the world of advertising, slogans, logos that will give inspiration for major artists such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Jasper Johns, James Rosenquist ...

In the 80s, many advertising themselves under the spotlight and we see Jean-Paul Goude, Jean-Batispte Mondino Chatiliez Etienne, Jean-Pierre Jeunet become future directors we know. The ideas are in museums: the milk is inspired by Vermeer, coffee by da Vinci, by Arcimboldo Perrier, Absolut with Mondrian, Dali ... and advertising call stars and artists to sing the praises of a brand c ... is the beginning of great sagas, Woolmark, L'Oreal ... brands dare create models of famous surnames uitilisant ... the Citroen Picasso is an example. The contemporary artist needs marketing and communication and communication needs of artistic values in order to make a difference.

Arcimboldo inspire Perrier

Mondrian, Dali, Warhol inspirent Absolut...

Vermeer inspire la Laitière
The contemporary artist needs marketing and communication and communication needs of artistic values in order to make a difference.
When art becomes advertising and advertising becomes art
When art becomes advertising and advertising becomes art
Art and advertising, a little history
Art and advertising are two cultural phenomena intimately interrelated. Cement this relationship is nothing but creativity. The artist draws in creativity to give substance to his work while the marketer is to associate a subject (which is why it communicates) to give life to its advertising. Artistic and creative advertising have the same origin but not to the same destination. But what happens if we try to converge on one point these two processes?
When art becomes advertising and advertising becomes art
Everything starts in the 19th century, where the birth of the display, you can glimpse the genesis of advertising as we know it today. Not surprisingly, the billboard is from the beginning closely related to art and has its own movement, "affichomanie." Print real commercial and artistic hybrid between art and advertising, send these posters on the spotlight artists also known as Toulouse-Lautrec, Choubrac or Eugène Grasset.

These precursors are replaced by others to 1920-1930 as Cassandra and Savignac, but also by the American Norman Rockwell. Rockwell posters are accurate close to the picture and depict the lives of American families in the 1950s. These posters are now considered works of art of the same quality as Hopper example. Moreover, Rockwell has crossed the barrier of art to venture in the field of advertising by making a few posters.

At this time, the artist is at the service of marketing and communication. In 1950, a total reversal disrupts this balance. Pop Art announces the era when the artist is inspired by advertising to his art. Flagship example of this time, Andy Warhol Campbell's Soup or uses a bottle of Coca-Cola as support of his work. The popularization of art, its falling spheres and highly cultivated elite upper class begins with Pop Art and continues today through new artistic movements that are discussed later in this folder. The logo, the slogan becomes art. Others, such as Roy Lichtenstein and Jasper Johns enrich the movement.

Continue to move forward in time. The 1980s symbolize a second rupture: the artist puts at the service of marketing and communication. Posters but also packaging born from the pen of these artists. Should we see this reversal of the first signals enunciators marketing as a central element in the production of value a company? When the problem is no longer to sell as master during the thirty glorious and that satisfy the customer emerges and grows, we may think that such a change has also impacted advertising, art and indirectly? One may think. The era of modern marketing approach and the art is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Just go down to the museum to find ideas: The Milkmaid Vermeer becomes that of Nestlé, Perrier monopolizes Arcimboldo, Absolut Vodka called Dali, and Mondrian ... Examples abound, the time is creative.

Today, where any creative process is governed by economic and marketing, art in its place as a partner advertising.
Purpose of art and advertising
When asked about the purpose of art and advertising, we realize it is the same: to convey a message. Creativity is the same material common to both processes. The only difference is the result of the creation: the artist created for his personal reasons while advertising for professional reasons.

Why then he decides advertising to mix art with advertising?
Art as a means to convey a message

Obvious at first, art is a creative process whose purpose is to convey a message. The link to a product / service in an advertisement can appropriate this message (or the atmosphere that tone). Art has the ability to neutralize the initial message of a product and replace it with its own message. The unreal art purpose, it gives him the ability to be re-seen.
For example, a pear painted a still life. This allows us to grasp the idea of the pear (the symbolic), removing the other concepts that we usually come to mind about it (like the crunch for example ...). Similarly, a painted sea is no longer an ecosystem that covers three quarters of the world but a dream symbol that can represent both travel, escape or any other sense intended by the artist. The art-directed dice. It leaves an empty space where a message can be conveyed.
Take for example, the advertising campaign "Caribbean Creation" for the alcohol Malibu. Clearly, advertising refers to paintings by Arcimboldo. This combination removes any materiality to the bottle and gives it a dreamlike and symbolic. Elements of chaos comes a uniqueness that highlights the product. Malibu is no longer a simple alcohol brand but transmits an atmosphere, by its originality and appropriation art. The consumer does not buy a bottle of alcohol but an image, a lifestyle made refined, elegant and sought by the artistic ancestry.
For example, a pear painted a still life. This allows us to grasp the idea of the pear (the symbolic), removing the other concepts that we usually come to mind about it (like the crunch for example ...). Similarly, a painted sea is no longer an ecosystem that covers three quarters of the world but a dream symbol that can represent both travel, escape or any other sense intended by the artist. The art-directed dice. It leaves an empty space where a message can be conveyed.
Take for example, the advertising campaign "Caribbean Creation" for the alcohol Malibu. Clearly, advertising refers to paintings by Arcimboldo. This combination removes any materiality to the bottle and gives it a dreamlike and symbolic. Elements of chaos comes a uniqueness that highlights the product. Malibu is no longer a simple alcohol brand but transmits an atmosphere, by its originality and appropriation art. The consumer does not buy a bottle of alcohol but an image, a lifestyle made refined, elegant and sought by the artistic ancestry.

A material concept becoming dreamlike through art is much more likely to make a lasting impression in the minds of consumers. This system does not distinguish one another similar material, for example a horse of another horse. By cons, he will remember all his life dying horse of Guernica, Picasso illustrated table. The art of advertising is mixed with an explosive cocktail that transcends the message of it to make it reach heights own dream to reach a sustainable consumer sensitivity.

Another example where art is used as a carrier of a message, that of Vermeer The Milkmaid. The Dutch master saw his picture of the Dairy recovered for the benefit of yogurt. This artistic association facilitates ownership of an image of authenticity, yoghurt vehicle through this icon artistic expertise traditional removing all industrial side.

This appropriation is so strong that even tend to think that Nestle Milkmaid is not a table behind!
Associate a raw image (a bottle of alcohol, a bottle of water, yogurt ...) in an artistic atmosphere can give it an image and claim a message.
Associate a raw image (a bottle of alcohol, a bottle of water, yogurt ...) in an artistic atmosphere can give it an image and claim a message.
Art as a tool for identifying
Art sharing with advertising collective memory: it recognizes both the Mona Lisa a bottle of Coke. Art crystallizes cultural and sociological trends of his time, it is a photograph that belongs to a spatio-temporal framework defined. A work of art has the ability to identify a time, a place, an event, a specific country ... It refers to a well-defined moment in space and time.

Tres de Mayo from Francisco de Goya crystallizes the ferocity of the repression of the insurgents Madrid by Napoleon's troops. It easily captures the ability of the paint we refer to a particular time and place. As another example, Supermarket Lady Duane Hanson:

This artwork is in a specific context, American consumerism in the 1960s with the advent of large supermarkets (the "Mall") where the household has swapped his basket to a shopping cart. Using such a work of art refers to the values of the time, and symbolizes the glorious thirty consumerism.
Italian coffee brand Lavazza uses art as a way of implying Italy, as an identification tool for a country. Italy is historically the land of coffee. Associate Italian art, or items that refer to Italian art, to promote his coffee is a way of claiming a traditional know-how related to a country.
Italian coffee brand Lavazza uses art as a way of implying Italy, as an identification tool for a country. Italy is historically the land of coffee. Associate Italian art, or items that refer to Italian art, to promote his coffee is a way of claiming a traditional know-how related to a country.

As a first example, a strong hint Vitruvian Man Da Vinci, as a circle with a cup of coffee. Symbol also found on Italian euro, the ideal representation of man is bound to Italy. And use this artwork refers to the country, and thus identifies the Lavazza coffee as Italian.

Similarly, Lavazza uses the myth of Romus and Remulus, raised by a wolf, to signify Italy, in an atmosphere of sensual and chic.
Art is a crystallization of a time and a place, use an advertisement can claim this time and place. Lavazza has understood by taking strong artistic symbols of Italy to associate his coffee, which rises to the rank of true Italian coffee.
Summarize the purpose of art is a difficult task that many people have raised. Could be addressed during business hours this purpose in view of its association with advertising, but that is not the goal. Art has been identified as a vector to transmit a message, a feeling, a mood and as an identification tool. Turning now to some very recent phenomena that affect both the art of advertising.
Art is a crystallization of a time and a place, use an advertisement can claim this time and place. Lavazza has understood by taking strong artistic symbols of Italy to associate his coffee, which rises to the rank of true Italian coffee.
Summarize the purpose of art is a difficult task that many people have raised. Could be addressed during business hours this purpose in view of its association with advertising, but that is not the goal. Art has been identified as a vector to transmit a message, a feeling, a mood and as an identification tool. Turning now to some very recent phenomena that affect both the art of advertising.
Evolution of art and advertising
Street art
Art, like any cultural system has its own dynamic change. We note that it invades the public space, no longer confined to the classic space museums and other exhibits. It tends to urbanize, to become wild and ephemeral. A true artistic revival was hatched around the street art that many consider today as not being art. However, the fact that a work of art shows its support to belong to another world, that of the street, it prevents you from accessing its status?
This contemporary art movement claims the use of multiple techniques and tools to achieve its aims: graffiti, stencil, mosaic, sculptures or even stickers left on the street. It has the characteristic of being seen by a large audience while being ephemeral. Topics such crystallizes art are closely related to recent daily in the reality of everyday life.
British artist whose identity is still unknown today, Banksy is a well known artist in the world of street art including numerous stencils and tags made his film "Exit through the gift shop", which tells the daily life of street artists. Also recognized for having produced many tags on the wall between Israel and Palestine, Banksy is the symbol of the revival of art through street art. Some works in bulk :

Invaders and Mr Brainwash
France is one of the pioneers in the field, with renowned artists on the international scene of street art. You've probably spotted, facilities Invader refer to the famous arcade game. His works consist of mosaics and painted all related characters reminiscent Installed the game in every major French city, but also in many international cities, the artist incognito sows his works which are recognized and protected. He sees his art as a virus that infects the public space of the city and the artist as a "hacker" who spread his art without asking permission.

Mr Brainwash is a French artist, including recently recognized by the film Exit through the gift shop, and has collaborated on numerous occasions with Invader and Banksy. He has produced major exhibitions of these works in 2010 and 2011 in the United States and collaborates with renowned artists such as Madonna and the Red Hot Chili Pepper. His works are not yet well known overseas.

Street marketing
Street art has a very positive impact on young people who recognize themselves in this art form wild ephemeral, free and unlimited. The street seems a new media communications and marketing promotion, with particular influence on target difficult to reach by media "classic", like television. The advantage of a street marketing operation also comes from the spontaneity of the event, taking away all the negative impact that conventional advertising media using "conventional" forward.
And street marketing was inspired by street art and its media, the creation of ephemeral events making unique experiences and targeted to adhesive stickers relaying a message marketing. One of the most common examples of street marketing is the Obama Hope poster. This shows, in addition to having a very positive impact for the Obama campaign, is clearly inspired graphics and visual codes of street art.
And street marketing was inspired by street art and its media, the creation of ephemeral events making unique experiences and targeted to adhesive stickers relaying a message marketing. One of the most common examples of street marketing is the Obama Hope poster. This shows, in addition to having a very positive impact for the Obama campaign, is clearly inspired graphics and visual codes of street art.

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